Corporate Governance Conference – May 5th, 2017

28 March 2017


As proud sponsor, CORPRO is delighted to announce the Corporate Governance conference, with the title: “The Future of Corporate Governance: New Regulations, Best Practices and Corporate Culture”.

The Conference is organized by Infocredit Group and powered by ICSA.

Main speaker of the event is Mr. Simon Osborne (Chief Executive – ICSA UK) who will present the Best Practices, New Regulations including the New General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as the significant role of Corporate Culture in an organization.


In particular, the following topics will be covered during the conference:

  1. The Future of Governance – Simon Osborne, Chief Executive of ICSA UK
  2. Cost of Lack of Compliance: Danger for Sustainability –  Speaker from LexisNexis, UK
  3. Looking beyond Regulatory Compliance. The Costs Associated to Toxic Organizational Practices – Dr. Cristian Ducu, Senior Ethics & Compliance and Sustainability Consultant of Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics, Romania
  4. Business Integrity and the Role of Transparency International – Marios Skandalis, Executive Vice-Chairman of Transparency International (Cyprus)
  5. Evaluating your Board – Simon Osborne, Chief Executive of ICSA UK
  6. Corporate Culture and the Board, Panayiotis Peleties – Board Member of KPMG Cyprus
  7. Introduction to GDPR: Everything you need to know about the New Data Protection Regulation
  8. ICSA Qualifications – Theresa Minnie – Head of Membership and Outreach of ICSA UK
  9. Panel Discussion: Corporate Governance in Cyprus


Other details:

Location:        Hilton Hotel, Nicosia – Cyprus

Date:               Friday, May 5th, 2017

Time:              8:30am – 14:30pm

Language:      English


If you are interested to attend the conference, book your place now.